M a h s a Z a r g a r a n is an audiovisual artist who is currently creating a life-size sculpture series + electronic music as part of an installation on Modern Female Mythology. In this series, Zargaran draws on the connection between women + the natural world, and aims to re-imagine the role of women in myth. The characters in her audiovisual landscapes rely on their innermost feminine attributes to navigate their world – they are not copies of male myth heroes, dressed in female suits. This is perhaps a parallel portrait to Mahsa’s own life as her work spans multiple male-dominated industries. Mahsa releases + performs her works under the pseudonym O m n i f l u x.
Performance/panel at Kinowatt film festival in 2021 for:
University of Pennsylvania
The Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts

Aquarelle is available digitally + on vinyl:
:: north america tour ::